‘Becoming a Voice with Shriya Boppana’ aired for 6 months during season 1 in 2021 and 12 months in season 2 from 2023-2024 on Fox 5 Plus produced by Global Television Networks. Reaching 6.2 million households every episode in the heart of the nation and spotlighting change makers across America, the show brought advocacy content to DMV TV on Saturday’s ‘The Capital Forum'
Becoming a Voice with Shriya Boppana
The show spotlighted social justice causes with depth such as refugee crisis, acid attacks, sexual assaults, neurocognitive illnesses, and identity dysmorphia - destructive causes painfully teetering on life and death. The show hosted popular voices from political candidates such as Deja Foxx of the Kamala Harris Campaign to Maria Thattil, Miss Universe Australia, all the way to Jared Isaacman of SpaceX’s Inspiration4