TedxCMU's 2022 conference, Catalyst, is the first ever virtual Tedx event hosted by Carnegie Mellon University. The theme aims to amplify catalysts who create meaningful change. Those who are catalysts shake up the status quo. They add new ideas, new dreams, and new perspectives that can shift the societal dogma. They change perspectives, and can elevate the minds of those who are receptive. A catalyst transforms an existing narrative by proposing new ideas, and telling stories that matter deeply to them
Shriya was the winner of the 2022 student speaker competition for TedXCMU
Shriya was the winner of the 2022 student speaker competition for TedXCMU

TedxCMU Catalyst Student Speaker
Shriya was the winning student speaker at the 2022 TedXCMU conference, Catalyst. Her talk, 'Media Perpetuation of Gender Imbalance,' highlighted the dangers and power of the media's key gender-based clickbait archetypes
Talk Bio: The media is one of the leading sources of cultural development, societal advancement, and knowledge disbursement. Media perspectives are crucial to the everyday awareness gap but hidden in those fact-ridden stories are nuances of psychological distortion. This talk breaks down the gender-based phenomenons commonly known as the Cinderella complex and the Savior complex used in storytelling that leads to life or death penalties. In underserved countries, we look at acid attacks and in our contemporary society, we delve into domestic violence. Interwoven with my Indian American identity and social psychology background, this talk helps make media more aware of their subliminal biases